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This is a collection of videos on YouTube that I really like and hope are useful to you. 

Amazing Things Happen is a video designed to help raise awareness of Autistic Spectrum Condition

Credit; Amazing Things Happen

How to Cope with Anxiety is a video designed for young people to help understand and manage anxiety created by Childline.

Credit; Childline

Voicebox is a series of videos created by Childline about a series of issues related to young people and mental health. This one focuses on CAMHS.

Credit; Childline

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is a great video highlighting the impact traumatic events in childhood can have on a young person and in later adulthood.

Credit; Public Health Network Cymru

Happiness and Motivation is a series of videos in which pop culture topics such as this one about Harry Potter are used to show how differences to how we think about our experiences in life can change our sense of hope and happiness. 

Credit; Hello Stonehenge

Resilience But What Is It? Is a video by an NHS trust to help build awareness of what resilience is and support young peoples capacity to do positive and realistic things to support themselves.

Credit; Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

This video is by blogger Zoella about her own experiences of anxiety and panic attacks. 

Credit; Zoella

This video about Adverse Childhood Experiences explains the impact trauma has on a young person and how it can affects behaviour.

Credit; Andrea Gonzalez, McMaster University

We All Have Mental Health is an animation designed to give young people  a common language and understanding of what we mean by mental health and how we can look after it.

Credit; Anna Freud Foundation 

Talking Mental Health is aimed to raise awareness about mental health topics.

Credit; Anna Freud Foundation 

A simple, easy-to-understand whiteboard animation to help primary-aged children gain an understanding of the way their brains work to recognise and manage their emotions.

Credit; Kids Want To Know

An introduction to Emotion Coaching for parents.

Credit; Emotion Coaching UK

This video explains the therapeutic approach of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).

Credit; University of California, San Francisco

This video explains the therapeutic approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Credit; Mind

This unique animation teaches us that by putting together the seven-piece jigsaw puzzle of 'Developmental Trauma', we can understand how a child’s adverse childhood experiences have shaped their emotional world and outward behaviour.

Credit; Beacon House

Stress is all too natural. But here are some tips for keeping it under control.

Credit; BBC

This videos gives 10 tips to parents to help calm an angry or distressed child.

Credit; Bright Side

This is an educational film about emotions. 

Credit; Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen

A video about automatic thoughts—those destructive worries that creep into your mind and escalate without reason

Credit; Watch Well Cast

Where does confidence come from, and how can you get more of it? Here are three easy tips to boost your confidence.

Credit; Ted-Ed

A video about making changes to our life for the better.

Credit; The School of Life


CAMHS Resources


The GoZen videos are a series about meditation and relaxation for children.

Credit; GoZen

This video explains the way stress affects us physically

Credit; Ted-Ed

This video explains the way stress affects us mentally

Credit; Ted-Ed

A video about helping to get a better nights sleep.

Credit; Watch Well Cast

A video using Inside Out to help understand emotions.

Credit; Nerdwriter1

A video about how adversity in childhood can impact us later on in life.

Credit; The School of Life

A video about the importance of self-compassion.

Credit; The School of Life

The first in a series of animations explaining mindfulness

Credit; Mindfulness 360

Another video explaining the benefits of mindfulness.

Credit; Happify

Animated story of young people struggling with anxiety and panic.

Credit; BBC

Animated testimony from a girl who developed nervous tics, OCD and depression after a period of upheaval, and how she learnt to cope. 

Credit; BBC

This video highlights the funding challenges faced by CAMHS services in providing the quality of service to young people that they want to.

Credit; BBC

This is a video made by the Hampshire CAMHS team about coping mechanisms.

Credit; Hampshire CAMHS

This is a video made by the Anna Freud Foundation about supporting young people in schools. 

Credit; Anna Freud Centre

This is a video about anxiety from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Credit; RCPsych

This is a video made by the CWT about their work as a charity supporting young people experiencing depression.

Credit; Charlie Waller Trust

Stress takes on many forms, this exercise teaches you how to notice what you're holding onto and how to drop the preoccupying storyline, allowing you to reframe stressful situations.

Credit; Headspace

Headspace for Kids helps children be healthy and happy, by teaching them about meditation.

Credit; Headspace Animations

Positive psychology exercises are science-based interventions that help to increase psychological well-being. This video introduces the "self-compassion letter" & "your daily holiday"

Credit; Positive Psychology

CBT can help us to understand our feelings and experiences in different situations. We can use a diagram called a Hot Cross Bun which shows that for any situation, what we think (rational response), feel (physical response) and do (actual behaviour) are all connected to our emotions.

Credit; Healios

This video from The Foundation for Positive Mental Health on resilience is an easy to understand animation that explains what is happening in the brain when we meet a challenging situation that we find stressful.

Credit; The Foundation for Positive Mental Health

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